Today I'm "semi" retired after decades of press relations and marketing communications service focused on high-tech firms. Below are highlights from my career:
After retiring from Autodesk in 2017, I continued to keep my love for broadcasting alive by serving as the "Tech Expert" for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio, Portland, Oregon. Sad to say that ended in April 2023 with Mark's departure from the station. But I'm happy to report that for many years now I've been the Science and Technology Trends Correspondent for the Computer America show.
Starting August 27, 2007, I served Autodesk as a full-time PR consultant. Beginning in August of 2010 I became a regular, full-time employee. What an amazing adventure it was each day! I supported the Architecture Engineering and Construction team with general media relations support and special web AV content production. I retired in November of 2017.
From 1993 through October 2006, I was a member of Intel's amazing PR team. My Intel years included service to the Intel Architecture Labs and the "PC Dads" to my final years as a Consumer Education Manager. During my years at Intel, I co-authored a book with Mark Ivey, "PC Dads Guide to Becoming a Computer Smart Parent", and authored a book titled "Family Computing Fun".
Prior to joining Intel I lived and worked in Orange County, California starting as a tech writer for Computer Automation in 1981, and then a series of agency PR work for lots of high-tech companies, and then in-house with Rockwell Semiconductors and Gateway Communications (the company I worked for just before moving to Oregon with Intel).