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Grumpy Grampy's Ridiculous Petunia Stories for kids of any age!
Peanut's accident
Petunia tells a big lie and learns an important lesson
00:00 / 07:48
Petunia and her friends' adventures on the invisible train
The invisible train
00:00 / 16:50
Petunia's toy car Buckaroo
Petunias car buckaroo
00:00 / 12:40
Petunia's new shoes
Petunias new shoes
00:00 / 11:38
Petunia takes her best friends to the amazing swimming pool with the magic changing room!
The Amazing Swimming Pool
00:00 / 10:46
Petunia and the Wigglebuns go to the airport and ride on a plane for the first time!
Petunia goes to the airport and rides on a plane
00:00 / 07:49
Petunia and her closest friends open an exotic pizza restaurant !
Petunia opens a pizza restaurant
00:00 / 09:01
Petunia takes Gemma and Coco to the Kids Hospital on the Moon!
Petunia and the Kids Hospital on the Moon
00:00 / 12:32
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