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Well folks, some really sad news! On April 10, 2023 I learned that the Mark Mason Show on KEX 1190 AM [Portland, Oregon] has been dropped. Starting June 7, 2019, I contributed a weekly science and tech news segment for his show. I will really miss working with such an amazing and talented broadcaster. Below you'll find my final segments for his show. But my in-depth segments for the Computer America Show each Friday will continue to give me a way to share the science and tech news that inspires me.
Use the player below to hear my last appearance - 7 April [7 minutes, 49 seconds] "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Surprising alternative to crude oil used to make a new recyclable plastic; amazing proof-of-concept demonstration shows a soldier controlling a robot surveillance dog with his thoughts; scientists say habitats on Mars could be made from potato-based building materials; and new app uses smartphone selfies to screen for pancreatic cancer. Links for all the stories are available in the PDF document.
KEX April 7 2023
00:00 / 07:49

Use the player below to hear my 31 March [8 minutes, 6 seconds] "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: A Swiss start-up called Sun-Ways will soon install solar panels between railroad tracks in the western part of Switzerland; new autonomous pile driving robot will accelerate solar farm construction; more artificial intelligence in your life - first we had OpenAI’s ChatGPT, now there’s Google’s Bard; and scientists invent oxygen-ion battery as a longer lasting and safer alternative to lithium-ion batteries! Links for all the stories are available in the PDF document.
The audio file below is the final, edited to reduce run time. The original full segment is below and offer more on the oxygen-ion battery story.
31 March KEX OnAir 2023
00:00 / 08:06
Here is the original, with more information on the oxygen-ion battery story.
31 March KEX 2023
00:00 / 08:51

Use the player below to hear my 24 March 9 minute "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Researchers have created world’s fastest walking humanoid robot; new drug rapidly counteracts intoxication, quickly sobers up drunk mice; artificial intelligence and machine learning offer recyclers a new way to separate compostable and conventional plastics; and floating solar panels on water reservoirs, it’s an idea gaining traction! Links for all the stories are available in the PDF document.
24 March KEX 2023
00:00 / 08:59

Use the player below to hear my 17 March 7 minute, 42 seconds "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Someday your desk lamp may be a house plant; scientists discover an enzyme that can use air to generate electricity; scientists have devised a way to 3D print “biomaterial” inside the human body; scientists announce ‘organoid intelligence’ as a potential biological alternative to artificial intelligence!
17 March KEX 2023
00:00 / 07:23

Use the player below to hear my 10 March 8.5-minute "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Scientists have discovered a way to boost the efficiency of solar panels by 250%; the James Webb Space Telescope spotted something that’s shaking up the scientific world; key trend to watch: Microsoft wants to bring ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence capabilities to robots; and on you can learn about 10 women in science who changed the world!
10 March KEX 2023
00:00 / 08:29

Use the player below to hear my 3 March 8.5-minute "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: New cloud seeding techniques to fight global drought; new artificial intelligence tool helps predict if chemotherapy will benefit a breast cancer patient; making catfish hybrids with alligator DNA; and Bing and Edge to use artificial intelligence technology!
3 March KEX 2023
00:00 / 08:27

Use the player below to hear my 23 February 8-minute "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: New technology advances the use of waste cardboard for home insulation; key trend to watch - More than 56,000 hydrogen cars sold worldwide; world's first autonomous artificial intelligence jet fighter training aircraft; and new microneedle bandage can stop bleeding in less than two minutes!
23 Feb KEX 2023
00:00 / 08:16

Use the player below to hear my 10 February 8-minute "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Recent experiment shows lasers can direct lightning strikes; the Pentagon wants a drug that will heat your body ASAP; recent breakthrough dramatically cuts the time and cost of making “green” hydrogen from seawater; and improved cancer treatment inspired by the foam on your latte!
10 Feb KEX 2023
00:00 / 08:04

Use the player below to hear my 3 February 7-minute, 27-seconds "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Scientists create a small shapeshifting humanoid robot that can liquefy and reform; researchers create a new type of yarn that turns movement into electricity; new all-in-one system can capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial plants and convert it into a lucrative product; and new portable, electronic biosensor can help detect oral cancer.
Feb 3 KEX 2023
00:00 / 07:28

Use the player below to hear my 27 January 7-minute, 11-seconds "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: New satellite can now measure nearly all the Earth’s water; University of Minnesota researchers can move objects without touching them; the viability of solar cars just got a big vote of confidence; and Scientists recently discovered a fourth membrane in the human brain!
27 Jan KEX 2023
00:00 / 07:11

Use the player below to hear my 20 January 8-minute "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: NASA has announced funding for 14 futuristic space exploration concepts; new solar-powered machine turns carbon dioxide and waste plastic into valuable products; Apple expected to launch a mixed reality headset this year; and researchers develop a blood test that can reliably detect Alzheimer’s disease!
Jan 20 KEX 2023
00:00 / 08:11

Use the player below to hear my 13 January 8-minute "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Nifty news from CES 2023 that caught my eye: BMW demonstrated color-changing concept car; Samsung shows off an oven run by artificial intelligence; John Deere unveils electric excavator; new head cushion allows computer gamers to “feel” the game; and Intel debuted the world’s fastest processor for laptops!
13 Jan 2023 KEX
00:00 / 08:01

Use the player below to hear my 6 January 6-minute, 51 seconds "Tech Insider" segment for the Mark Mason Show, KEX radio Portland, Oregon. Topics: Five Pacific Northwest companies are working to commercialize fusion as a power source; scientists create powerful, light-weight solar panels as thin as a human hair; new technology can harvest indoor light to power a future generation of smart gadgets in our homes; and new experimental cellular glue could heal wounds and regrow nerves!
6 Jan KEX 2023
00:00 / 06:51

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